Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

10 perempuan tertinggi di dunia

1. Yao Defen ( 7ft 8in - 233 cm)
Yao Defen saat ini dianggap sebagai wanita tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi mencapai 233 cm. Beratnya 200 kg dan kakinya berukuran 78 (EU) atau 26 (UK). Gejala gigantisme yang dideritanya disebabkan karena adanya sebuah tumor di kelenjar bagian bawah otaknya.

2. Sandy Allen (7ft 7¼in - 232 cm)
Sandy Allen muncul dalam buku the Guinness Book of World Records sejak 1976 hingga 2008, saat dia meninggal - sebagai wanita tertinggi di dunia. Tingginya mencapai 232 cm.

3. Malgorzata Dydek (7ft 2in - 218 cm)
Malgorzata (aka Margo) Dydek, seorang pemain basket di Amerika , tingginya mencapai 218 cm.

4.Zainab Bibi (7ft 2in - 218 cm)
Gambar nya nggk ketemu 
Zainab Bibi, (218 cm), saat ini tinggal di Inggris karena merasa kehidupannya terganggu di kampung halamannya, Pakistan.

5.Uljana Semjonova (7ft - 213 cm)

Tingginya mencapai 213 cm, Uljana Semjonova asal Latvia merupakan pemain basket terkenal di dunia pada masanya, antara tahun 1970 - 1980-an

6. Gitika Srivastava (6ft 11in - 211 cm)
Gitika Srivastava, seorang pemain basket Amerika yang berasal dari India, tingginya mencapai 211 cm.

7. Malee Duangdee (6ft 10in - 208 cm)
Malee Duangdee , wanita jangkung dengan tinggi 208 cm ini berasal dari Thailand.

8. Caroline Welz (6ft 9in - 206 cm)
Inilah wanita tertinggi di Jerman, Caroline Welz (20 tahun) dengan tinggi 206 cm.

9. Rita Miniva Besa (6ft 8in -203 cm)
Rita tinggal di Amerika Serikat, sementara aslinya berasal dari Zambia, tingginya 203 cm.

10. Heather Greene (6ft 5½in - 196 cm)
     Heather Greene, tinggal di Las Vegas, tingginya "cuma" 196 cm.


Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

ko nyo ha... video tadi pagi....


PUISI ...,

Mau coba2 bikin puisi...
kali aja bisa di pakai buat apa ja gitu...
nich mo coba..
jangan di ledekin ya... soal x pemula nich

cinta itu buta...
buta itu mata...
mata itu dua...
dua itu aku dan kamu....
kamu itu indah...
indah itu bunga....
bunga itu harum...
dan harum itu.........
please comment nya ya....

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

update cerita nich....

berapa banyak kakekmu?

“Anton, kenapa kamu kemarin tidak masuk?!!” tegur Bu Guru kepada Anton.
“Kakek saya meninggal, Bu.”, jawab si Anton.
“Setiap tidak masuk kamu pasti alasan kakek kamu meninggal melulu! Memangnya kamu punya berapa kakek sih?”
“Banyak Bu, nenek saya dulu suka kawin cerai…”


Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

cerita lucu

testing-testing buat cerita lucu.... sory nih law g' lucu n law ada kesamaan cerita

Tukang Becak dan Kuntilanak

Malam yang dingin. Seorang tukang becak menyun karena gak dapat penumpang dari sore. Akhirnya si tukang becak memutuskan untuk pulang.  Dalam perjalanan pulang, tiba-tiba muncul seorang wanita berambut panjang memanggilnya. "Wah, penumpang nih," pikir si tukang becak. Akhirnya wanita itu naik.

Tukang becak: "Mau kemana, dik?"
"Jalan aja pak, nanti saya beritau" jawab wanita itu datar.
Ketika sampai di dekat kuburan, Tiba-tiba menyuruh becak berhenti. “Stop, bang...”,katanya.

Pada saat si wanita turun, tukang becak melihat ternyata kaki wanita berambut panjang itu tidak menyentuh tanah. Serta merta si tukang becak berkata sambil mengigil : "Hiiii....Kuntilanakkkkkkkkk......"

Dengan spontan wanita itu melirik sinis ke arah si tukang becak : "Biarin…daripada lu, tukang becak!"


Kamis, 17 November 2011

My Bukittinggi town

Bukittinggi is my town

Bukittinggi (Indonesian for "high hill") is one of the larger cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia, with a population of over 91,000 people and an area of 25.24 km². It is situated in the Minangkabau highlands, 90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. It is located at 0°18′20″S 100°22′9″E / 0.30556°S 100.36917°E / -0.30556; 100.36917, near the volcanoes Mount Singgalang (inactive) and Mount Marapi (still active). At 930 m above sea level, the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16.1°-24.9°C.


Fort de Kock in 1826
The city has its origins in five villages which served as the basis for a marketplace.
The city was known as Fort de Kock during colonial times in reference to the Dutch outpost established here in 1825 during the Padri War. The fort was founded by Captain Bauer at the top of Jirek hill and later named after the then Lieutenant Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Hendrik Merkus de Kock. The first road connecting the region with the west coast was built between 1833 and 1841 via the Anai Gorge, easing troop movements, cutting the costs of transportation and providing an economic stimulus for the agricultural economy. In 1856 a teacher-training college (Kweekschool) was founded in the city, the first in Sumatra, as part of a policy to provide educational opportunities to the indigenous population.  A rail line connecting the city with Payakumbuh and Padang was constructed between 1891 and 1894.
During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in World War II, the city was the headquarters for the Japanese 25th Army, the force which occupied Sumatra. The headquarters was moved to the city in April 1943 from Singapore, and remained until the Japanese surrender in August 1945.
Mosque in central Bukittinggi
During the Indonesian National Revolution, the city was the headquarters for the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) from December 19, 1948 to July 13, 1949. During the second 'Police Action' Dutch forces invaded and occupied the city on December 22, 1948, having earlier bombed it in preparation. The city was surrendered to Republican officials in December 1949 after the Dutch government recognized Indonesian sovereignty.
The city was officially renamed Bukittinggi in 1949, replacing its colonial name. From 1950 until 1957, Bukittinggi was the capital city of a province called Central Sumatra, which encompassed West Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. In February 1958, during a revolt in Sumatra against the Indonesian government, rebels proclaimed the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) in Bukittinggi. The Indonesian government had recaptured the town by May the same year.
A group of Muslim men had planned to bomb a cafe in the city frequented by foreign tourists in October 2007, but the plot was aborted due to the risk of killing Muslim individuals in the vicinity. Since 2008 the city administration has banned Valentine's Day and New Year's celebrations as they consider them not in line with Minangkabau traditions or Islam, and can lead to "immoral acts" such as young couples hugging, kissing and not to mention fornicating.
Bukittinggi is divided in 3 subdistricts (kecamatan), which are further divided into 5 villages (nagari) and 24 kelurahan. The subdistricts are:
Guguk Panjang, Mandiangin Koto Selayan, and Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh.
Bukittinggi is connected to Padang by road, though a dysfunctional railway line also exists. For inner-city transport, Bukittinggi employs a public transportation system known as Mersi (Merapi Singgalang) and IKABE that connect locations within the city. The city also still preserves the traditional horse-cart widely known in the area as Bendi, although the use is limited and more popular to be used as vehicle for tourist, both domestic and foreign.
It is a city popular with tourists due to the climate and central location. Attractions within the city include:

Sianok Canyon
  • Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon)
  • Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves) - a network of underground bunkers & tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II
  • Jam Gadang - a large clock tower built by the Dutch in 1926.
  • Pasar Atas and Pasar Bawah - traditional markets in downtown.
  • Taman Bundo Kanduang park. The park includes a replica Rumah Gadang (literally: big house, with the distinctive Minangkabau roof architecture) used as a museum of Minangkabau culture, and a zoo. The Dutch hilltop outpost Fort de Kock is connected to the zoo by the Limpapeh Bridge pedestrian overpass.
  • Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta (Museum of Bung Hatta Birthplace) - the house where Indonesian founding father Mohammad Hatta was born, now a museum.
Notable nearby destinations include Lake Maninjau and the Harau Valley.